A light wind blowing your hair, splashes of salt water, amazing beauty of a distant shore, a sense of freedom and happiness – all this you can get from a holiday on a yacht. Living through a real sea adventure is possible – we are ready to help.

Yacht traveling is not comparable to the usual rest at a hotel on the coast. The yacht gives freedom of movement, new impressions, unforgettable emotions which you will not get under any other circumstances. You can see the stunning sea bays, meet the sun and enjoy the dawn and the sunset in the open sea. Every day on the yacht is a new shore, a new place, a new landscape and a new portion of inspiration for a whole year. Resting on a yacht, you do not have to fight for a place under the sun on the beach, the sea being only yours – you can bathe, fish and enjoy the views. If you are bored with loneliness, moor and get immersed in the cheerful and exciting world of port towns. White Stork Travel offers interesting planned routes providing you with drive and energy.

Rest on the yacht is perceived as an expensive and requiring special training type of rest. But this is not true. The cost of a trip on a yacht is comparable to a rest in a good hotel. Our routes and the help of an experienced team make even the beginners feel like a seasoned sea wolf. Do not be afraid of seasickness. Human vestibular apparatus adapts to the loading quickly. In extreme cases, motion sickness pills will help to survive unpleasant moments.

Yachting is a great option for a company of friends. Depending on the mood, temperament and preferences, you can take an active part in the life of the yacht, or you can do some quiet, meditative work on team support. Any sea voyage will bring your friends together even more, and the memories of the days spent on the yacht will be ones of the best memories in your life.

Yachting is a recreation for people with an active lifestyle, attracted by adventures and unexplored distances.